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Proyectos internacionales

En curso

SECU4ALL. Training local authorities to provide citizens with a safe urban environment by reducing the terrorist attacks related risks in public spaces

The Secu4All project aims to strengthen local authorities’ (e.g. elected officials, first respondents, urban planners/managers, security officials…etc) capabilities in the protection of public and soft targets, including the question of the securitization of large events (e.g. sports, cultural). The project aims to put in place an overarching concept of the protection of public spaces via the development of a ‘comprehensive training cycle’ and the related methodology that is adequate to the training cycle’s implementation. In the framework of the aforementioned ‘training cycle’ practical tools, technologies, training and field demonstrations will lead to the enhancement of the situational awareness of the respective local authorities and improve effective direct responses to protect public spaces and soft targets (crowded public places like streets/squares, public transport, shopping malls, sports stadiums, bars, restaurants, clubs and commercial sidewalks that are easily accessible to the public and streets easy targets for terrorists) pre, in, and after a terrorist threat or an other crisis situation. This cross sectoral project, that involves both public and private sector actors, builds on the European Commission’s “Action Plan to support the protection of public spaces”, on the Staff Working Document entitled “Good practices to support the protection of public spaces” and on ongoing EU projects like CCI (H2020), PRoTECT, PACTESUR or STEPWISE.

Financiado por: Comisión Europea (ISFP)

SUCCESS. Strengthening Criminology Teaching

South American countries experience high levels of crime and violence and consequently, a sense of public insecurity, where public bodies’ capacities to prevent and control crime is limited. This is partially explained by a weak tradition in education provision in the areas of criminology and public security, reflected in limited professional capacities among public officers, not enough skilled to address this societal problem. Academic offers in this area are not widespread, and the existing ones generated an approach to the problems through the hardening of penalties (reform penal codes). Further, the necessary multidisciplinary approach (with other social sciences) is reduced or null. In order to strengthen scientific cooperation and knowledge transfer (evidence-based) SuCCESS aims to strengthen South American teachers’ and researchers’ capacity and body of knowledge to develop and improve academic offers in the areas of criminology and public safety. This includes the development of four new masters degrees and two new post-graduation/specialization courses, improvement of two existing master degrees and the update of lessons and curricular approach in specific Bachelors, through the sharing of experience, knowledge and competences from European Universities. Considering the significant progresses in research and training in these fields in Europe, SuCCESS will promote Euro-South American cooperation and knowledge transfer contributing to improving the training of the professionals to perform at higher standards in areas such as crime prevention, delinquency control, public security and social reintegration of ex-convicts, etc. SuCCESS assumes that education based on multidisciplinary approach is the key to build a better society: teachers and researchers will develop their capacity on citizen security and criminology issues, enabling the creation of new and improved societal responses, and train students to develop their solutions and apply them in the real world.

Financiado por: Comisión Europea (ERASMUS+)


SAFETY4RAILS. Data-based analysis for SAFETY and security protection FOR detection, prevention, mitigation and response in trans-modal metro and RAILway networkS

Railways and Metros are safe, efficient, reliable and environmentally friendly mass carriers, and they are becoming even more important means of transportation given the need to address climate change. However, being such critical infrastructures turns metro and railway operators as well as related intermodal transport operators into attractive targets for cyber and/or physical attacks. The SAFETY4RAILS project delivers methods and systems to increase the safety and recovery of track-based inter-city railway and intra-city metro transportation. It addresses both cyber-only attacks (such as impact from WannaCry infections), physical-only attacks (such as the Madrid commuter trains bombing in 2014) and combined cyber-physical attacks, which an important emerging scenarios are given increasing IoT infrastructure integration. SAFETY4RAILS concentrates on rush hour rail transport scenarios where many passengers are using metros and railways to commute to work or attend mass events (e.g. large multi-venue sporting events such as the Olympics). When an incident occurs during heavy usage, metro and railway operators have to consider many aspects to ensure passenger safety and security, e.g. carry out a threat analysis, maintain situation awareness, establish crisis communication and response, and they have to ensure that mitigation steps are taken and communicated to travellers and other users. SAFETY4RAILS will improve the handling of such events through a holistic approach. It will analyse the cyber-physical resilience of metro and railway systems and deliver mitigation strategies for an efficient response, and, in order to remain secure given ever-changing novel emerging risks, it will facilitate continuous adaptation of the SAFETY4RAILS solution; this is validated by two rail transport operators and the results supporting the re-design of the final prototype.

Financiado por: Comisión Europea (H2020)

IcARUS. Innovative AppRoach to Urban Security

The IcARUS project seeks to facilitate a transformation in the application and utilisation of the knowledge base through the design of urban security policies. By rethinking tools for urban security policy, IcARUS project offers a unique opportunity to draw together the best evidence from urban security research and practice over the last 30 years to implement an integrated, evidence-based and multi-stakeholder approach to prominent urban security problems. Through a strategically designed process of co-production, IcARUS will integrate social and technological innovations to strengthen the strategic approach to urban security and therefore, promote a balanced vision of urban security, combining prevention, sanctions and social cohesion as mechanisms to encourage common approaches to security in the European Union. This project aims to transform the benefits to local communities in terms of urban security policies by engaging them as active co-producers of services rather than as passive recipients of public services alongside forms of multi-sectoral governance that deliver beneficial urban safety outcomes.

Financiado por: Comisión Europea (H2020)

ARISA 2. Assessing the Risk of Isolation of Suspects and Accused: The impact of the media

ARISA’s goal is to contribute to the enhancement of the presumption of innocence in relation to the media exposure of suspects and accused. To achieve this goal, ARISA will: • ANALYSE the impact of media coverage of criminal cases on the personal and social life of suspects and accused, their families and their social networks; • DEVELOP standards for criminal justice authorities on how to publicly disclose information about criminal proceedings without violating the presumption of innocence; and • PROMOTE ethical guidelines for the media on how to report on criminal cases respecting the rights of suspects and accused.

Financiado por: Comisión Europea (Justice Programme)

PERICLES. Policy recommendation and improved communication tools for law enforcement and security agencies preventing violent radicalisation

The overall aim of the proposed project is to develop a comprehensive approach to prevent and counter violent radicalisation and extremism. The PERICLES (Policy recommendation and im-proved communication tools for law enforcement and security agencies preventing violent radicali-sation) project is especially dedicated to transitional processes of radicalisation. To meet its aims, PERICLES will consider violent left-wing and right-wing as well as religious ideologies. A special focus will be set on the risks connected with digital violent propaganda. The PERICLES project will deliver advanced and validated counter-propaganda techniques that are target-group-specific. Furthermore, the cooperation between relevant authorities who have due regard against violent rad-icalisation or support the process of de radicalisation will be enhanced through the use of the project outputs. The comprehensive PERICLES prevention strategy will therefore largely address law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and security agencies; but will also find use by prisons and social workers, teachers and even relatives of affected people.

Financiado por: Comisión Europea (H2020)