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MICv Curriculum


Basic Compulsory Module 
Course ECTS Descriptor
Criminological and Victimological Research Methodology 4.5 Data analysis in Criminology: practical and applied aspects. Advanced techniques in programme evaluation. Qualitative and quantitative research in Criminology: specialised intervention techniques in criminological and victimological fields. Criminological tools for analysis and intervention: special reference to self-report surveys and victimisation surveys.
Victims and Crime 4.5 Victimology: concept, types of victims, victimisation processes. Risk and protection factors for crime victims. Consequences of victimisation by violent crime. Implementation of protective measures for crime victims.
Crime Risk Assessment 4.5 Epidemiology of violence. Dangerousness and vulnerability. Dangerousness and violent behaviour. Prediction strategies. Tools for assessing recidivism risk in cases of intimate partner violence, youth violence, sexual violence, and violent behaviours.
Criminological and Victimological Prevention 4.5 Models and systems for crime prevention. Elements involved: offender, victim, and environment. Primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. Situational prevention. Victimisation prevention. Levels of intervention.
Intervention Fields Module  Compulsory
Course ECTS Descriptor
Legal Intervention with Minors 4.5 Legal aspects of juvenile offenders and juvenile victims. Criminological and victimological considerations. Psychological and criminological intervention with minors.
Intervention in Violent and Property Crime 4.5 Violent crime, property crime, and the Penal Code. Phenomenology and typologies of crimes and offenders. Criminological explanations. Areas and forms of psychological and criminological intervention.
Intervention in Intrafamily Crime 4.5 TPenal types of intrafamily crime. Criminological and victimological aspects. Psychological and criminological intervention in intrafamily contexts.
Forensic Criminology 4.5 Forensic criminology: its clinical application. Criminological theory applied to the forensic field. The criminological report: types, areas, object, and subjects. Techniques for writing. Structure and sections. Specialised criminological reports. Practical applications and writing.
Applied Module  Students must choose one
Track I – Intervention with Offenders
Course ECTS Descriptor
Penitentiary Treatment 4.5 Crime and treatment. Theories, techniques, and programmes. Treatment in prison. Penitentiary treatment techniques. Penitentiary mediation.
Treatment of Antisocial Juveniles 4.5 The antisocial juvenile: profile, characteristics, and phenomenology. Treatment programmes for antisocial juveniles. Mediation in the juvenile justice system.
Track II – Intervention with Victims
Course ECTS Descriptor
Treatment of Juvenile Victims 4.5 Young people in conflict situations. Special characteristics of child and youth victimisation. Criminological treatment of juvenile victims. Specific treatment programmes for juvenile victimisation.
Treatment of Victims of Violent, Gender-Based, and Sexual Crimes 4.5 Consequences of victimisation. Special reference to victims of violent, gender-based, and sexual crimes. Treatment programmes for specific crimes: violent, gender-based, and sexual crimes.
Practical Module  Compulsory
Course ECTS Descriptor
External Internships 9 Internships in organisations and institutions that engage in activities related to the subjects taught in the curriculum.
Master’s Thesis 6 Supervised work on a topic directly related to one of the programme’s courses. General UMH regulations require the Master’s Thesis to be supervised by an academic tutor, who will be a professor teaching in the degree programme. The academic tutor is responsible for explaining the characteristics of the Master’s Thesis to the student, assisting and guiding them in its development, ensuring compliance with the objectives set, and issuing a report on the supervised work prior to its presentation (Annex I). The Master’s Thesis can be co-supervised by external professionals who are experts in the thesis topic and expressly authorised by the Master’s Director. The Master’s Director will collect a sufficient number of proposed topics from professionals in advance to ensure student demand and publish the list on the programme’s website. Students may also propose topics for their theses to their respective Master’s Directors. This proposal must include the thesis topic, a brief description of it, and the necessary resources for its completion. This proposal must be signed by the student and the professor, who will act as the tutor if accepted (Annex II). The assignment of a topic and tutor will be valid until the thesis defence. The Master’s Thesis Evaluation Committee will consist of three main members and three substitutes selected from the professors teaching in the Master’s programme. If the Master’s Thesis tutor is a member of the Evaluation Committee, they must be replaced by one of the substitute members when their supervisee presents the supervised work. Students must submit their application for evaluation and defence of the Master’s Thesis in accordance with the established deadlines and using the provided form (Annex III). This application must include the thesis title, basic student and tutor(s) information, degree programme, academic year, and the date and signature of the tutor(s) authorising the presentation of the Master’s Thesis for evaluation. Along with the evaluation application, a thesis report must be submitted. This report should be presented in electronic format and include, at a minimum, information on the author’s name, title, tutor(s), degree programme, and academic year on the cover. If the Master’s Thesis has been developed and defended at a foreign institution, the report written in the original language will be accepted, including a summary and conclusions in Spanish. Specific Regulations This is a supervised project on a topic directly related to one of the programme’s courses, worth 6 ECTS credits. The topics will be criminological or victimological and, according to UMH regulations, may include:



a. Experimental work related to the degree programme. b. Literature review and research projects focused on different fields related to the degree programme. c. Professional work related to the various areas of professional practice for which the degree qualifies. d. Other projects not covered by the previous categories but related to the competencies associated with the degree.


Competencies and Planning

Disciplinary Competencies

  • Interpersonal skills
  • Ability to communicate with experts in other areas
  • Ethical commitment
  • Ability to apply knowledge in practice
  • Research skills
  • Capacity for learning
  • Ability to adapt to new situations and generate new ideas
  • Ability to work independently

Specific Competencies

  • Ability to apply criminological theories and concepts in explaining and predicting crime and victimisation
  • Ability to identify crime risk and prevention needs in different intervention areas
  • Ability to identify criminological problems, formulate questions, and plan their scientific study
  • Ability to select and apply research results and analyses of advanced criminological and victimological problems to specific intervention situations and environments
  • Ability to apply mediation and conflict resolution techniques in various criminological and victimological intervention areas encountered in professional practice
  • Ability to design and implement victimological prevention programmes
  • Ability to identify victimological risk factors
  • Ability to implement protection measures for crime victims
  • Ability to identify relevant criminological and victimological factors in intrafamily crime
  • Ability to carry out interventions in intrafamily crime
  • Ability to identify relevant criminological and victimological factors in violent crimes
  • Ability to conduct interventions in various areas where violent crimes occur
  • Ability to identify relevant criminological and victimological factors in property crimes
  • Ability to conduct specialised clinical interventions in various areas where property crimes occur.
  • Ability to conduct criminological and victimological interventions with juvenile offenders and victims
  • Ability to delve into advanced practical aspects of preparing and interpreting specialised criminological reports for clinical application in specific situations and subjects
  • Ability to transfer models and theories of deviant behaviour to clinical practice in professional intervention
  • Ability to deeply analyse legal aspects of crime and apply them in advanced forensic practice in specific intervention cases
  • Ability to identify victimological risk and protection factors
  • Ability to design and implement treatments for specific offenders
  • Ability to evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and efficacy of programmes and treatments aimed at offenders
  • Ability to evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and efficacy of victimological prevention programmes


This official postgraduate degree in criminology offers the option to be completed online or semi-presential, consists of 60 ECTS credits, and is taught over one academic year. The curriculum is divided into a Basic Module (18 ECTS), an Intervention Fields Module (18 ECTS), and an Applied Module with different optional subjects where students must choose 9 ECTS out of the 18 offered, as well as subjects related to External Internships (9 ECTS) and the Master’s Thesis (6 ECTS). These optional subjects cover specific areas of study and practice in the application of criminological and victimological techniques and tools for intervention with offenders and victims. It is structured into two tracks that allow for deeper specialisation in criminological or victimological intervention, depending on the optional subjects chosen by the student. The configuration of these tracks is as follows: APPLIED INTERVENTION WITH OFFENDERS (9 ECTS) This track covers offender treatment, application programmes, their results, effectiveness, and possibilities. It includes two subjects: PENITENTIARY TREATMENT (4.5 ECTS) and TREATMENT OF ANTIS

  • Number of Seats: 150
  • Official Price: 2.120,40€
  • Course Start:
  • Course End:
  • 1st Pre-registration Period:
    from 20 March to 21 June 2024.
  • 2nd Pre-registration Period:
    from 26 July to 6 September 2024 (pending approval)
More information about the Master’s on the UMH website

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