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Proyectos regionales

En curso
GamerVictim aims to identify and propose regulatory solutions to harmful behaviors arising in new digital communities developed around video games and related social networks. This will be done from an analytical and informed approach, where the interpretation of existing law and proposals for reform to prevent harmful practices are designed based on the prior generation of empirical evidence. This evidence will allow the description of the reality of various phenomena, their consequences, and the structural design variables of the platforms involved.

Ultimately, the goal is to gather as much evidence as possible from different disciplines to guide an informed legal reflection in fields where the law is still evolving. To achieve this, GamerVictim will use phenomenological analysis, both from criminology and victimology, of the main problematic behaviors affecting these new communities. This will be done using both quantitative and qualitative techniques, such as ethnography, discourse analysis, and data extraction through surveys. This empirical material will complement the normative analysis, which will draw on knowledge from different areas of law to examine current and future regulations, both nationally and internationally, that affect these virtual spaces and the interests within them.

Thus, through a multidisciplinary approach, GamerVictim will be able to address a context as complex as this and generate concrete and effective regulatory proposals.

Funded by: Conselleria D’innovació, Universitats, Ciència I Societat Digital.

Justicia IV
JUSTICIA IV: In this project, in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice, Interior, and Administration, we participate in research, information, training, and dissemination activities regarding fundamental rights, access to justice, mediation, and assistance to crime victims, especially violence against women, approached from a legal perspective.
The research activities aim to promote and improve access to justice for all citizens on equal terms; to provide citizens with access to alternative conflict resolution mechanisms that contribute to the de-judicialization process; and to ensure the recognition and protection of victims’ rights. Additionally, information and orientation activities are developed for the detection and prevention of any sexist aggression within the University environment (violet points), as well as training and dissemination actions.

Funded by:: Conselleria de Justicia, Interior y Administración.

CENID: This project, titled “Digital Intelligence Applied to Local Citizen Security: Identification of Acceptable Uses by Professionals,” aims to comply with the provisions of the Government of Spain’s Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan. In recent years, proposals to implement algorithmic tools in criminal police work have proliferated (Miró Llinares, 2020) to assist in the prevention and investigation of crime. These systems guide patrolling and aid decision-making for the Security Forces, but the potential of artificial intelligence and other algorithmic systems in the police field does not end there.

Today, citizen demands on public administration in general, and security forces, in particular, go beyond crime investigation, performing vital functions that could be improved and optimized through the implementation of algorithmic digital systems, which have not yet been fully explored. This project aims to generate rigorous scientific information obtained through precise and interdisciplinary methodologies, which, when made available to public security management organizations of the Generalitat Valenciana, will enable the development of new public policies that are more efficient in managing local entity resources and improving the quality of life for citizens in the province through the digital transformation of economic and social development. Therefore, the general objective of this project is to identify areas susceptible to improvement through digital intelligence in the context of local citizen security.

Funded by: Diputación de Alicante

Hero is a bullying prevention program that has been carried out in collaboration with the Diputación de Alicante. This program is intended for students from 5th grade of primary school to 2nd grade of secondary school and consists of 9 sessions of 95 minutes each. The objective of the program is to describe the phenomenon of bullying and train students in their skills to identify it. To achieve this, the program aims to improve skills in emotional self-regulation, empathy, assertiveness, and practical communication techniques as strategies to avoid violent behavior. Additionally, it will work on self-concept and self-esteem, providing students with skills to optimize them.

As part of the program, informative workshops will also be held on how to implement the Hero program for teachers and parents who wish to participate. Illustrative posters of the program were also placed in strategic locations within the schools as an environmental control measure to dissuade bullying behaviors.

To apply the program, 9 educational centers were selected. Once selected, a preliminary evaluation of the students’ emotional competencies was conducted. After implementing the Hero program, these competencies were re-evaluated, determining that the intervention had positive effects on the ability to manage competencies. It was observed that following the implementation of the program, victimization behaviors were significantly reduced, as well as behaviors related to cyberbullying.

Funded by: Diputación de Alicante.